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Pranic Healing    (No touch healing)

Pranic Healing was created several hundred years ago by Chinese healing masters.  Pranic Healing is the manipulation of the body's natural energy sources to bring about optimal health. 

By scanning with the hand, the healer can determine congestions, depletions, and under or overactivated energy centers (called chakras). These are then swept and cleaned before being optimally energized. The healer will also help to release old energy bonds (called cords) using healing techniques.

          See separate page: What to expect during a

          Pranic Healing. (Under more tab on top)

Quantum Touch Therapy             
(Hands on healing)

You will relax on a massage table while fully clothed. The healer uses very gentle touch and increased energy vibration to create a healing experience.

The Benefits of Quantum Touch Therapy:

Deeply Relaxing

Reduces Pain

Reduces Stress Hormones

Allows your body to increase it's own healing ability

Improves immune function

​May increase blood flow to injured areas

Balances energy in the body and removes any energy blockages allowing natural energy flow

Medical Advocacy

I will help you, your health-care providers, and your loved ones communicate, cooperate and participate in the medical process with greater ease and success.

We meet and go over your medical history, your current issues, your medications and their uses. If  you or someone you know or love currently sees more than two physicians, it is wise to have a consultation to be certain that you (or that certain someone) is communicating effectively with all the physicians involved and that everyone else is doing (especially medication wise).

I will help prepare questions for doctors and if deemed necessary, will accompany a client to a doctor's appointment to advocate by listening, supporting, and asking pointed questions as needed.



Life Coaching

Let me help you identify and achieve your personal goals. I will assist you in setting up and reaching your goals. Many different packages are available. Stop being miserable, sad or stuck. YOU CAN DO IT and I can help. 

24 Posture Therapeutic Qi Gong​

​​QiGong is a combination of two ideas, Qi meaning air, breath of life, or vital energy of the body and Gong meaning the skill of working with or cultivating self discipline and achievement. It finds its roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts and philosophy. QiGong is traditionally viewed as a series of carefully choreographed movements or gestures that are designed to promote and manipulate the flow of Qi within a person’s body. It is therefore the practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation.

From a spiritual perspective QiGong is believed to help develop human potential and to awaken one to one's true nature.  QiGong helps to cleanse the body of toxins, reduce blood pressure, increase longevity, restore energy and reduce stress, depression, anger, fatigue and anxiety.  It teaches inner strength while it tones muscles, increases flexibility, coordination and balance.  It expands breathing capacity. It can reduce neck and back pain and boost the immune system.


Wu Ming QiGong for breast health

True prevention starts with a strong energy foundation. Early detection for breast problems is one thing; true prevention for breast health is another. By the time a condition has become physical, it’s already progressed from the invisible to the visible. Depending on early detection is not the full answer to protecting precious health, especially breast health. True prevention can be gained by building a strong internal energy system, which means strengthening the life force, or intelligent energy, that powers your body’s physical organ systems so that they run smoothly. 

The more freedom and strength Qi has to communicate within your organs and among your organ systems, the more healthy and balanced your body becomes. Once the body achieves balance, it automatically seeks harmony—a state where it is virtually impossible for illness and disease to find a toehold to create problems. To ensure internal messages remain clear, you must keep Qi flowing freely and strengthen it constantly. This can be accomplished with amazing simplicity and ease through simple, yet powerful, Qigong movements.


There are steps women can take right away to prevent energy stagnation in the breast area. When energy stagnation isn’t addressed at the invisible level, when conditions are right, it will ultimately lead to physical manifestations of disease. This can present itself as calcifications, cysts, breast lumps, etc. Specific Qigong movements can stimulate energy flow through the key meridians running through the breast area, as well as release energy stagnation. The result is physical problems like lumps, masses, cysts, etc. can disappear. 



QiGong Classes at Renaissance Center
1001 State St. Suite 202, Erie
Saturdays @ 9.30 am


Cost: $5 each class or 6 pack of classes for $25


All classes are drop-in! No experience needed. You will fit in and get fit all at the same time! 


Please note that I, Lois Thompson, am not a licensed medical professional. I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness or health issue. The information or advice provided here should not be construed as medical advice. If you choose to use any of the natural remedies or advice discussed here, you will be taking responsibility for your own health and wellness, which is the ultimate goal. You taking care of yourself!

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